
Friday 18 September 2020

Dawn Raid


Wednesday 26 August 2020

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Barry's Pasta

On Saturday there was a guy called Barry with a dog the dog saw a big bowl of spaghetti on the table. The dog was very hungry so he ate all of it then the dog ran away. Barry saw that his spaghetti was gone. Barry made a different type of pasta and he made some fettuccine. The dog was still feeling a bit hungry and he walked out to the kitchen table and saw some fettuccine so the dog climbed up on the table and ate it all again. Barry saw the dog on the table and could see that the dog likes pasta. So Barry made some elbow pasta for the dog. The dog keeps eating and eating. And by the end of the day the dog was very very fat.

Friday 28 February 2020

Blog Profile

Hi my name is Lakai and I am a year 8 student at Otaki College. My favourite things to do is going on my bike and my scooter. When i go on my bike I like to ride it through town with my friend korbyn. I like to ride my scooter at the skate park. I don't like maths or vegetables. I don't like maths because I always get confused and I don't like vegetables because they taste gross. My favourite food is chocolate and my favourite take away is subway or fish’n chips. My favourite animals are cats and dogs.